Learn the Truth: Common Body Hair Removal Myths Debunked

Hair removal has existed throughout history — even the ancient Greeks and Egyptians tweezed their hair and the earliest razors date back to ancient Greece.
In the days of early humanity, hair removal was seen as a luxury. Today, hair removal is normal and many people prefer the way they look after they shaved or waxed.
It’s common for some to take extreme measures and spend a lot of money to achieve silky smooth skin.
In addition, hair removal also removes micro-organisms in the hair follicles, reducing body odor.
Throughout hair removal’s long history, many myths have popped up. Here, we debunk common body hair removal myths.
Laser Hair Removal Permanently Removes Hair
Laser hair removal became popular because of the myth that it removes hair “permanently.” In reality, laser hair removal only minimizes the appearance of hair.
Laser hair removal works by targeting the hair follicle, specifically the melanin that makes your hair dark. This helps target the follicle, killing it.
The reason why laser hair removal isn’t permanent is that it only targets active growing hair — not future hair growth.
In order to receive “permanent” benefits, clients need to continue treatments regularly. This can cost a lot of money, which is why more people opt for other hair removal solutions such as waxing.
Fair-haired individuals are also at a disadvantage. Since the laser only targets dark hair, light-haired clients won’t reap the same benefits.
The risks are even worse for dark-skinned clients; since the laser targets melanin, darker-skinned clients are more prone to burns.
Other hair removal techniques, such as waxing, are ideal for everyone.
Shaving Makes Hair Grow Back Coarser
This is a myth you likely heard from your friends, dating back to when you first started shaving. While the hair feels coarser as it grows back, it doesn’t exactly mean the hair is coarse.
Shaving only removes hair that’s closest to the skin. The hair is tapered and grows back straight. This is why your hair feels coarse after it grows back. However, the hair itself isn’t thicker and coarser.
If you want to avoid this sensation, waxing is a better alternative. The hair is removed from the root. A brand new hair strand grows back, which is why hair feels fine after you wax.
You Can Leave Depilatory On Longer If You Have Thick Hair
Using a depilatory is a popular hair removal method. A depilatory is made of chemicals that remove excess hair. Unfortunately, this product comes with many side effects. Examples include skin irritation, an allergic reaction, and even chemical burns.
To reduce the risk of side effects, depilatory brands offer specific instructions on product usage, including how long to leave the product on.
Follow these instructions carefully and don’t leave the product on longer than the brand recommends.
You Risk an Infection If the Technician Double-Dips the Wax Stick
There are many benefits and disadvantages of professional waxing. But one drawback is actually a myth — the increased risk of infection. Understand your infection risk is minimal.
However, the technician should always use a fresh wax stick anyway.
Do you want the same results without the risk of infection? At-home waxing kits are just as effective and you minimize the risks of professional waxing.
At-Home Hair Removal Treatments Offer the Same Results as Professional Treatments
The answer to this myth is yes and no. The products sold, such as at-home waxing kits, are comparable to what the professionals use.
But DIY waxing and hair removal can be difficult, especially for beginners. Don’t worry, waxing yourself is easy! Just keep practicing, learn the techniques, and always reach out to the brands for help.
Waxing Hurts
While waxing does cause mild discomfort, there are ways to decrease the discomfort. If you wax or bikini, don’t wax near your period. Your hormones increase sensitivity in this area.
While you may think having a few drinks before waxing will help with the pain, this actually does the opposite. Alcohol tightens the pores and makes hair removal difficult. You should also never use DIY waxing products while impaired.
There are also numbing creams available. Apply these products before waxing and let them numb the skin before you start waxing.
Pluck a Gray Hair and Three More Will Grow Back
If you have a few strands of gray hair, plucking them out is easier than dyeing your hair.
But you were probably told this myth: pluck a gray hair and three more will grow back in its place. If you pluck a gray hair, only one gray hair will grow back in its place.
You Shouldn’t Use an Epilator If You Have a Low Pain Tolerance
An epilator is a device that pulls hair from the roots.
While they don’t feel amazing, anyone can use an epilator. One of the main reasons for this theory is many don’t use an epilator correctly. This is why waxing is a similar method that anyone can learn.
If you do have low pain tolerance and want to wax or use an epilator, it’s best to take a hot bath or shower right before removing your hair. You’ll feel relaxed, helping decrease the pain.
You Need to Remove Your Body Hair
The majority of women — 95%, to be exact — remove the hair from their legs. Other common body parts for hair removal include the brows, groin, and underarms.
No one should feel forced to remove their hair. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to remove your hair. But if you prefer removing your hair, there are effective and affordable hair removal methods on the market.
Are You Looking for a New Body Hair Removal Solution?
Body hair removal has existed throughout history and there are many products and solutions available. Unfortunately, we have been told many lies throughout these years.
Now that you know waxing is safe and effective, are you looking to try DIY waxing? Take a look at some of our products.